Pupil Voice and Leadership
"Be Safe Be Ready Be Respectful"
House Captains and Vice Captains
At the beginning of each school year, children in Year 6 apply for the roles of house captain and vice captain of their houses. Once selected by the Leadership Team, they will collect house points, share them in assemblies and support our Sports and PE team with school events. They also act as role models to the rest of the school and are chosen because they represent the school's vision and ethos in action. They run their own house meetings/assemblies and plan charity events. More information can be found on the Houses page of this menu.
The School Council/Eco-Club
The School Council is made up of elected pupil representatives from each class. They meet with our Headteacher on a regular basis.
Their work has been combined with the Eco-Club as this is their main focus as we develop the sustainability of the school. They are working towards the Eco-School Award.
Digital Leaders
Digital leaders are selected from within KS2 and work with Mrs Long, our computing lead, to support the development of computing across the school. They help plan events such as Safer Internet day and have a voice in our regular e-safety meetings.
Play Leaders
Play Leadershelp the PE Coordinator and lunchtime supervisors to deliver active lunchtimes and help with sports days or interhouse events.
Our librarians help to organise our library and encourage a love of reading. They help check the library books in and out, help younger children find their books and recommend new books for the library.