Home School Agreement
The School will do its best to ...
- Offer a wide and varied range of curricular and extracurricular activity to enrich its pupils’ experience.
- Contact parents if there are concerns about attendance, punctuality, equipment, work or behaviour.
- Set, mark and monitor homework according to the School’s Homework Policy.
- Arrange parents evenings during which progress and development will be discussed.
- Acknowledge and reward pupil achievement.
- Provide parents with information to support their child’s studies.
- Keep parents informed about school events and activities.
- Give full and clear information about the curriculum.
Parents and Carers will do their best to...
- Ensure that their child attends school properly equipped and on time.
- Make every effort to ensure that their child has 100% attendance.
- Inform the school promptly when their child is absent.
- Inform the school about concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour.
- Ensure that their child attends school wearing the correct uniform.
- Encourage their child to participate fully in school activities.
- Attend parents evenings and discussions about their child’s development.
- Respond promptly to school correspondence.
- Support their child’s learning including the completion of any homework or reading tasks.
- To set a good example to children when on school premises.