Developing our school
School leaders and teachers are challenged by both the Lighthouse Schools Partnership and the Local Governing Body to ensure that the school is on a continuous development journey.
We also set challenging targets for the school linked to published national pupil outcomes, carry out a range of audits and compare review our pupil outcomes and finances against national expectations.
The challenge and support we get from the Trust takes many forms including learning visits, book looks and talking to children. This is done with the director for school improvement and Governors and supported by staff subject leads.
External challenge comes from OFSTED who visit approximately every 3 years and last visited in June 2019.
Strategic Plan
The governing body and senior leadership team have written a school strategic plan with 6 key priorities that pick up from key issues from.
Aim 1: The Quality of Education - provide the very best teaching to promote high-quality learning and strong outcomes for our children, enabling staff to make a real difference to pupils
Aim 2: Behaviour and Attitudes: To maintain attendance figures by keeping them above National Averages
Aim 3: Personal Development: Develop Mental Health Provision and Anti-Bullying
Aim 4: Leadership and Management: Develop Curriculum leadership and ensure that our staff have the right skills to raise standards further, deliver good teaching and learning, and disseminate best practice
Aim 5: The Quality of Early Years Provision (See Aim 1: The Quality of Education)
Aim 6: To develop the role of play in enhancing well-being and providing opportunities for physical and personal development
As a school, we also have a school development plan (SDP). This is the document that sets out the improvement plans for the school year and details on timelines and how this will be achieved. This plan is written after a careful review of the previous school year, consultation with staff and a review of the parent and pupil surveys as well as other feedback, monitoring and the audits we carry out.