Bella Our School Dog
Bella came to live with Mrs Campbell at the beginning of July. She is a Cavapoochon – a smaller breed of dog which is known for its gentle temperament and excellent way with children. She has also been chosen as the breed are generally low shedding and so tend not to give too many problems for allergy suffers.
There are many benefits to having a school dog, particularly around well-being and mental health and we look forward to letting our children benefit from interacting with her regularly as she grows up. A full risk assessment has been completed in preparation for her arrival but any parents not wishing for their child to engage with Bella will be welcome to let Mrs Campbell know.
As with most school dogs, she will only be around children under close supervision. She will be well socialised and undergo a programme of training to ensure she is well behaved and our children will be taught how to behave around her and engage with her appropriately. You can begin to watch Bella grow, starting from the weeks before she joined us in school, on this gallery page.